Natasha needs...
ok well Roz gave us all a challenge to go to Google and put in our name and "needs". Unfortunatly I couldn't get it to work but the lovely Beth did it for me, thanks Beth **kiss* hehehe
1. Natasha needs to be neutered if she can't keep her legs from wrapping around every man she sees. ahem interesting
2. Natasha needs a committed family that will help her with here schoolwork, peer socialization, and give encouragement and praise for her successes.
3. Natasha needs a good home.
4. Natasha needs everything to be obvious?
5. Natasha needs some time in a re-education camp
1. Natasha needs to be neutered if she can't keep her legs from wrapping around every man she sees. ahem interesting
2. Natasha needs a committed family that will help her with here schoolwork, peer socialization, and give encouragement and praise for her successes.
3. Natasha needs a good home.
4. Natasha needs everything to be obvious?
5. Natasha needs some time in a re-education camp
At 8:01 am,
Roz said…
OMG Natasha- you need lots of things don't you?? How funny!!
So have you booked in for the big op yet?? hehehehehe
Roz xo
At 5:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hi there! I stumbled on your blog because I was doing the same thing you are doing, haha! funny coinkydink!
At 5:40 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hi there! I stumbled on your blog because I was doing the same thing you are doing, haha! funny coinkydink!
At 5:41 pm,
Anonymous said…
oops...sorry about the double post lol
At 8:39 am,
Anonymous said…
i got the email too!how strange...
At 6:08 pm,
Natasha said…
mmmm interesting
At 1:48 am,
Anonymous said…
yeah im natasha too and i was just told to do the same thing...maybe theres a club we can join or something? natasha is the coolest name eva tho
love n stuff tasha xx
At 11:27 pm,
Anonymous said…
I was just doing the same thing..i got that email too ..........power to the Natasha's
At 7:36 am,
Anonymous said…
Hey my name is Natasha 2..Hello
At 5:05 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hey there fellow Natasha's!! i also got that email and i stumbled into this site wondering why natasha had to be neutered...
At 6:43 am,
Anonymous said…
This is sooo wierd my names natasha im 14 and i was doin the same thing, natasha needs ...
Natashas rock!
lol natxxx
At 12:09 am,
Anonymous said…
i was doing the natasha needs thing too and i'm also 14
At 12:09 am,
Anonymous said…
i was doing the natasha needs thing too and i'm also 14
At 12:10 am,
Anonymous said…
sorry for the double post
At 1:17 pm,
Anonymous said…
HEY!! Im doing the same thing you are! weird!! lol well by Natasha
just another one of us!
At 5:06 am,
Anonymous said…
WHOA... theres a lot of natashas.. addd me to the list, i was doing the same thing!
At 10:33 pm,
Anonymous said…
LOL and here's yet another natasha...doing the same thing and the ones you came up with are the best so I'm gonna use them in my response to "natasha needs..."
At 5:04 am,
Anonymous said…
I wonder how many Natasha's will comment on your blog! LOL. Well, privet! -from another Natasha.
At 7:59 am,
Anonymous said…
wOw.....what's so funny about this is that I was doing the same thing and I'm pregnant. So the one about being neutered was hilarious to me.
At 1:26 pm,
natasha said…
hey guys, im Natasha too! suprise suprise, from australia.. i was sitting at uni... being bored... googled "natasha needs" (as you do) and up popped a dozen other of you.. all from different places... much love natasha's our names kick arse...
At 1:22 am,
natasha'the'great said…
i was doing the exact same thing.. except im in college not uni.
im gonna give you my full name in the hopes you'll do the same.(so we can compare)
Natasha Bonita Freed
It's cool. Obviously i love the first bit the most, though.
At 2:58 pm,
Anonymous said…
haha! I'm an australian natasha too! there SHOULD be a natasha club - I wonder how many there are with our name. fantastic.
At 6:55 am,
Anonymous said…
OMFG there are so many Natashas!! I'm a Natasha as well and I loved this... I was posting a bulliten on myspace when i came along this. Hella awsome.
Natasha's UNITE!!!
Ps...There should totally be a Natasha club!
At 11:11 am,
natasha renee said…
lmao, i was doing the same thing for myspace. the sad thing is that i'm 26. lol.
natasha's are the best!
At 4:34 am,
Anonymous said…
Incoming...another Natasha on the was doing this for Myspace...and came across your page...wooohooo...
At 10:34 pm,
Anonymous said…
Ha, My name is Natasha, and I actually came here bc of Myspace, I was checking out w/ they were talking about. haha
At 11:41 am,
Anonymous said…
Yep another Nat here doing the same from a bulletin a mate sent me today. The first one made me laugh alot, very perceptive! Hi to all you Tasha's out there, Have a great weekend!
At 2:40 am,
Anonymous said…
hi, I am a Natasha from Dallas..
I love the idea of a Natasha club.
We are all unique and all guys think our names are HOT...
At 1:52 pm,
Anonymous said…
This is too funnny!!
Natasha from Miami, FL
At 5:32 am,
Anonymous said…
OMG its like i am talking to was on myspace too...ha...we should soooooooo start a natasha club
luv another one of you
Natasha a.k.a. Tasha Nat and tash(tosh)
At 2:02 am,
Anonymous said…
My friends told me to do the same thing a little while back and i just got around to doin it how funny my name Natasha too. :)
At 5:58 pm,
Unknown said…
natasha's everyones saying we should have a club , so can we start up a thing somewhere like a whatsa me call it
a forum thats it, any ideas write back ;)
At 3:55 am,
Anonymous said…
Hey this is Natasha from Canada! This is crazy how many of us got the e-mail.
At 5:32 am,
Anonymous said…
Yeah I was doing the myspace thing and came to this page bc of the needs thing... the neutered one is funny:) I started reading all the comments and I thought it was funny how there are this many Natashas when I dont run into many people with the same name as me.
At 10:09 am,
Anonymous said…
wow, so i guess i really didnt realize there were so many Natasha's in the world and ummmmm i dont wanna be neutered lol and since im a girl wouldnt that be spayed??? MUHAHAHAHAHA (thats my evil laugh) well power to the NATASHA'S!!! I must admit that ive never met an un-sexy NATASHA!! =D
At 6:55 am,
Anonymous said…
im natasha to from central illinois a natasha club would be cool ive only met one other natasha in my life and we are only a couple months apart
At 7:22 am,
Anonymous said…
lmao Natasha from London Ontario here
xD I'm doing the same thing. (your comments here sound like broken records XD) just I'm doing mine for facebook lmao
Its funny, I think I've heard from more Natasha's on here then I have ever met in real life XD
At 1:55 pm,
irocktoofastforlove said…
wow i never knew there were so many natashas in the world. well, more like i've never seen so many in one place. :~) i'm all for a natasha club!
-natasha (of course)
At 4:53 pm,
Anonymous said…
hehehehe!!! Natasha here to!!!!
Natasha rocks!!
At 4:40 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hi like just about everyone else I stumbled on your page doing the same thing. I typed in Natasha needs and yours was the first one that came up. I agree with whoever said that we should have a Natasha club. I have only met like 4 other Natashas in my whole life, it doesnt seem to be a very popular name. Any of you on myspace feel free to look me up, its
Natashas rock!!
At 12:15 pm,
Anonymous said…
ROFL!!! Well I got suckered into seeing what "natasha needs" as well. I am also glad to see im not the only natasha that gets shortened!!!!!! I go from Natasha upon meeting a new person, to tasha, to tosh, and then nat!!!!! I feel ya. On myspace too!
Unicoi TN
Love Yourself,
At 3:07 am,
Anonymous said…
Hey I'm another Natasha that found this because of myspace. This is so cool. I've actually never met another person named natasha and I'm from chicago.
-Tash chicago,il
At 2:09 pm,
Anonymous said…
You know, after seeing my name over and over again...the name Natasha starts to look really weird! I look at it and is that really my name? It's hott...
At 1:25 pm,
Anonymous said…
Another Natasha here...this is hilarious! I'm from Chicago; I find it funny your friend Beth was the one to look things up for best friend's name is Beth. It's awesome to see there are so many Natashas out there & you must love the fact they all stumbled on your blog. :-D I always figured there weren't that many Natashas outside Russia.
At 1:30 pm,
Anonymous said…
Omg Wow! Well im sure u could never guess what my name is but it Natasha! lol Im from Tennessee tho and im 14...i do have to say that Natasha would have to be the most freakin awesome name ever! hehehe
More power to us Natashas!***
At 1:23 am,
Anonymous said…
Wow..... im a Natasha too..... def enoug for us to start a group!!! x
At 6:21 am,
Anonymous said…
so my guess is that everyone (just about) was doing the same thing "the Natasha needs...." well i think is really weird how one thing can lead to another but what you have going here is amazing!
At 6:42 am,
Anonymous said…
Hello Natasha!! Wow, doesnt that feel weird, its like talking to yourself... lol Yeah, I was doing the myspace thing too and I came across this. I'm 21 and from Tennessee.
Do all the Natasha's know that if we spell our name backwards it says "ah satan?" lol, think my mother did that on purpose...
Natasha Rutherford
At 7:01 am,
Anonymous said…
omg!!! im natasha 2 an doin the same thng on myspace..!! ha well if theres a club let me know!!!im from cincinnati!!!
At 11:06 am,
Anonymous said…
How interesting... Well to add to all the Natasha's already here, I'm 18 and from Arcadia, California. My friend told me to search google and type in "natasha needs".
Take care!
At 12:03 am,
Anonymous said…
Yep yet another Natasha I'm fm Michigan, Natashas ROcK!!!
natasha butler
At 3:19 pm,
nayssie said…
This is so awesome! I'm Natasha too but my dad calls me Nas. Everything fits me perfectly. I never knew there were so many Natasha's. You always hear people say what a pretty name and yet it is so hard to find something with your name on it. They sure did skip one hell of a great name!!!
At 9:25 am,
Anonymous said…
wow, this is so wierd
of course this is natasha too
if the girl from arcadia ever reads this, well we might know some of the same people. Im from oregon in a hippy town not far from you
At 2:33 pm,
Anonymous said…
I might as well go ahead and include myself in this massive confession that my name is also, wait a minute, let me see, Natasha, was it?! I, now, in a way, feel cheated of my originality, and of the uniqueness this name has seemed to always entitle me to. It was good while it lasted! Lots of love!
At 2:29 am,
Tasha Burns said…
I feel a bit silly, but I have to contribute to this worldwide gathering of Natashas (how often does it happen, after all?) Sending Natasha love from PA, and kudos to whoever posted about "Ah Satan." I used to get a huge kick out of that. Hell, I still do.
At 10:46 am,
Anonymous said…
I am responding to whoever wrote about all the ways our name gets shortened. I've recently met the first guy to ever go with Nat. And it's perfect. I never liked "Tasha", always sounded like a cheerleader to me. Anyway, I'm so in like...
At 10:40 pm,
Natrut said…
Another Natasha here! And I'm just as unique as the rest of the 'Natasha's'! I didn't realize that there were so many of us!! Awsome possum!
At 10:48 pm,
Natrut said…
Oh yeah! I think I have the most origional nick name yet....they call me Tushie or Tush, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why........I have a great ass! so i've been told.
~So are we gonna start some kind of exclusive club or what?
At 7:42 am,
Anonymous said…
Hi there, just a shout out from Natasha (who else?)way over in South Africa, yup, the name sure travels!
Much Love
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