X is for fox?

ok so I tried and tried and tried to find a picture of an x-ray fish, but I swear there is nothing out there, so I cheated and just decided to use a word with X in it, so for now X is for foX hahaha. Hey well in the For Keeps mag all the X layouts were words with X rather then starting with X.
Anyway I am quite happy with it, the chipboard letter didn't turn out great, note to self, never use crappy glue to put paper on chipboard if you are going to then cover it with Dimentional Magic, paper must be stuck to surface entirely LMAO
I'm starting to get excited, less then a week till we are in Sydney. The boys keep looking up when they hear a plane over head and if it is a Virgin Blue plane they yell "there's our plane" lol (for those who don't know Virgin Blue planes are red, it confused the boys the last time we went on one and someone asked if they went on Virgin Blue and they sdaid "no the red plane" LMAO.
At 9:06 am,
BethJ said…
Great layout Tash - love the stitching!
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