Wednesday, August 31, 2005


is anyone else having Scrapboxx withdrawal? The site has been down since last night, and I keep going there, even though my brain is telling me it probably wont be back until tomorrow. I need my fix, I couldn't chat last night, I want to post about things, I was to read things, I WANT THE BOXX BACK!!!

Ok anyway, I'm back lol. My big news is I am going to be a Creative Team member at Kirky's Kreations. I will be doing paper scrapping using her digital designs, I have been stocking up on white cardstock ever since I found out last week and can't wait to get started, I have lots of plans for this lol.

Yesterday Rohan woke up with a horrible rash in his nappy area, it was all red and had little bumps through it that looked like a cross between blisters and mozzie bites, he had been scratching at it but it didn't worry me too much until later I noticed he had some on his chest and face. Rang the GP "cant get him in til 4.30" so decided to take him to the hospital. We waited for 1 hour to see the nurse! And she said it would be a long wait. I checked him about an hour later and guess what? In usual kid fashion the rash was gone. So we ended up leaving without seeing a Dr.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Nearly up to date

Well I have finally finished the D, E and F letters for my A-Z album, I am working on A and C and have B planned. I am going to try and get them done in the next week, I really only have to do journalling for A and C so that shouldn't be a really hard task. And then once that is done I am going to aim to get 1 letter done a week, that should put me in a good possition to get it all finished by the April deadline.

On Friday Rohan went off to Garry's mum's for the night, he went just before lunch so I took the opertunity to get Shannon to do some scrapping as he has been showing alot of interest. I am so proud of what he has done, it is really good considering he isn't yet 4. He is really proud of it too and thinks it is great that it now has its own place in Mummy's scrapbook.

That night I went to a crop out Logan way, OMG what a horrible night I had LMAO. The crop was great, but it all went bad when I was driving there, before I even got to the pacific motor way I went through a big swarm of bugs and they got all over my windscreen. Then I got on the motorway and apparently I was ment to get the first exit so I could get onto the logan motorway, but being someone who has never been that way before I didn't realise that, so I missed the exit, I didn't realise this until I was 3/4 of the way to the Gold Coast, I see a sign saying "exit for Dreamworld" then I drive past Dreamworld and I think "Shit I have gone way to far". So instead of it taking me 40 minutes it took me 1 1/2 hours to get there! I did get there though.
Then on the way home I hit a roo, although I don't think I actually got him, I checked the car out in the morning and the only damage I saw was a couple of scuff marks and a tiny bit of fur, and I checked out where it happened and I couldn't see any body so that is a good sign. Was a rather eventful evening though.

I am going to add all the entries from my old blog here too seeing as I will be using this from now on...

Monday, August 22, 2005


ok so last Monday (OMG that was a hole week ago) we took Shannon to the Ekka, he had so much fun, he got to go on the merry go round, and do that game where you put the balls in the clowns mouth (hehehe that always makes me laugh, I'm so immature lol) where he got to have a helicopter (he didn't actually win though thats what they gave you if you didn't win). We mostly did the animal thing, Shannon has now informed us that we are going to own lots of little piggies and 1 goat.

We were lucky to arrive there at all. We were originally going to be getting the train in but when we arrived at the station the line for tickets was going around the corner, so we decided to get a bus into the city and walk from there. On the way in (I think it was just after Caringdale) this car pulls out right in front of us. Luckily we had a driver who has very good reflexes because he slammed on his breaks (while beeping the horn lol) and we ended up missing the car by a few centimetres! It definatly woke us all up on the bus, and hopefully it woke the moron who was driving the car up.

The scary thing is that I had someone do exactly the same thing to me on Thursday, I was driving up to the new Scrap shop to get some Bazzill and at the lights infront of "Town Centre" this woman turned onto the main road, meanwhile I was halfway through the intersection. I swear driving is so scary when you have people on the road who shouldn't be allowed to drive. And the womans car was all dented in at the back, I wonder how that one happened? Someone needs to go be retested I think...

Anway here are some photos of Shanny at the Ekka...

oh and here are my pages for Regina's circle journal...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

thinking ahead

well today was pretty boring, had to go to Garry's mum's cause she go a digital set top box but has no idea about anything like that so Garry hooked it up for her. We have to go back there tomorrow morning, she is going to look after Rohan for the day while we take Shannon to the Ekka, should be lots of fun. We are mostly going to do the animal thing, but we might go on the ferris wheel and merry go round, and we want to get the boys a showbag each. I'll be sure to post some photos from our big day out, and I will have to try to eat as healthy as possible lol.

Speaking of foods, heres my menu for the day:

Breakfast - tea, white & 1
snack - tea, white & 1
lunch - macaroni cheese, juice
snack - macadamia and apricot bar, 4 strawberries, 2 slices of salami
dinner - home made pizza, juice
dessert - 1 scoop icecream + nuts

Saturday, August 13, 2005


there is a new scrapping store that just opened up the road from me, OMG I am going to be ruined financially, I have just spent some time at their site and created a cart so I could see what I want and just remove it after I have bought it, and it has over $500 worth of supplies in it!

Anyway, I actually have been able to scrap lately which is great, I love all the new things I got off Liz, so yummy. I covered my Heidi Swapp album, I started my A-Z album, the theme is Animals, have made 1 double layout, and I can now officially show my design team entry for Scrapboxx as I didn't get the possition, but congratulations to Ali who did.

Food Food Food

Breakfast - 3 weet-bix with banana and milk (was hungry, didn't eat much for dinner last night)
Lunch - jam sandwich + glass of water
snack - apple pie and a small scoop icecream, 3 snakes
dinner - rice and chicken kebab stick things, juice
dessert - small serve icecream with nuts

Sunday, August 07, 2005

food food food

ok so today wasn't the best day for eating, but hey I tried lol, I am definatly going to try harder tomorrow (incuding actually eating breakfast)...

Breakfast- cup of tea, white, 1 sugar

Lunch- peanut butter sandwich, juice

snack- iced vovo, banana, kitkat chunky, water

dinner- 1 piece chicken schnitzel, small serve of chips, corn, carrot, peas, lemonade

dessert- banana (I felt bad hahaha)

My Blog is Broked

ok so it isn't really broken I just lost my password to get into it and for some odd reason it wont give me a new one lol, and to top it off, I have lost all my ftp info so I can't even try starting from scratch, Will have to wait for Tessa to get back to get it, I was actually thinking of not even bothering with it anymore. I never use it, and so I feel I am just wasting space that Tessa could be using for something more productive. Maybe this might be a better option?

Anyway I have actually been scrapping lately! its scary lol. I did a design team application for Scrapboxx and also a book of me page. And next week my scraping supplies should arrive from Liz so then I will be able to scrap until my hearts content lol.

I havn't really been around in the dolling scene much, havn't updated Dollie Addiction in ages, hardly ever go to Coco Cabana, I don't know why but I just can't seem to get back into it all, its like I am slipping away from dolling. I do still try to do it, but I'm not enjoying it as much as I used to.

Hopefully I will be able to keep this one going, I am thinking of trying to do a weightloss diary again, so I could do that here.

oh and here is the BOM page I did, it isn't that great, the DT application is much better but I can't show that off yet...