Sunday, July 30, 2006

Anyone have Skype?

well I got this program called Skype the other night, it allows you to make and recieve phone calls from your computer cheaper then using a land line. I only really got it cause its $2 to call my parents and alot of the time when I call they arn't even home so I am paying $2 for a 30 second call to hear my brother saying they are out. Anyway, you can also use it as a messenger sorta thing but with voice and that is free. So does anyone have it cause I want to test it out lol...

also if you do I just added a button in the sidebar to connect straight to me hehehe (can you tell I really wanna try this thing?)

Saturday, July 29, 2006

the things kids say

LMAO well we had to head up to the shops today to get a few things, and on the way Garry mentioned that he dad to go to Dick Smith (for those who don't know it is an electrical store named after this famous Aussie guy called, well, Dick Smith, lol. Shannon misheard what Garry said and pipped up with "where is Big Stiff?" It was really lucky that we were stopped at a set of lights as I think I would have crashed the car given how hard I laughed lol.

Unfortunatly we had to call RACQ when we finished our shopping as the car is being a pain the the butt. Thankfully he took about 10 minute to show up, and it was the same guy I had last time the car was mucking up (about 3 weeks ago lol). He sid it was some stabaliser thingy and said it was clogged up or something (its really lucky that Garry was there cause I so don't get cars lol). He showed Garry where it was and how to take it off so he can clean it out. He was going to do that tomorrow, hopefully it will fix the problem, as I am so sick of having a car that stalls when ever I stop at lights...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Just for Susan :P

ok, nothing much happening here, Rohan is sick, so both Garry and I are suffering from lack of sleep.

Went to the GC last Monday to meet some of the girls from Scrapboxx. OMG McKenna and Eli are so super cute hehehe.

Anyway for those of you who are regulars you will have noticed there is a new layout. Still working it all out, but please let me know what you think and if you find any bugs...