Ohhhh the bigness
Well we have decided that we are going to be selling my baby **sob** my lovely white shiny baby that is oh so faithful, never crashes and has done me well for the past year and a half. Ok so if you can't tell I am talking about my computer lol. But hey its not all bad. I now have a bigger, better and faster baby. A lovely G4 Power Mac with a 20" widescreen display, it looks so massive lol.
Anyway if anyone wants to buy a nearly 2 year old eMac for $600 email me hahaha...
oh and Erica did this Quiz on her blog so I had a go

Donald Duck
Which DISNEY character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla
Anyway if anyone wants to buy a nearly 2 year old eMac for $600 email me hahaha...
oh and Erica did this Quiz on her blog so I had a go
Donald Duck
Which DISNEY character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla