OMG we survived Christmas! The boys got way to many presents, I ate way to much food, and the weather was way to hot. I took these pictures on boxing day, I had to touch up the one of Shannon a bit as it was slightly blurry, but the one of Rohan is as it was taken.
Shannon had asked for a mouse for Christmas, and we were going to buy it, but the weather was ment to be really hot, and we were going to Garry's sister's for lunch so, mouse + hot day + closed house = dead mouse, not a very good thing to come home to on Christmas Day. So instead we just got him the cage and let him choose his own mouse.
He wanted a white one but no-one sold them, so he got a little black (well its really a dark brown but he says its black) one. The nasty little rat bit me on the way home though lol. The woman at the pet store had put him in a cardboard box like the ones they put birds into, and in the car he had started trying to poke his head through the air holes, so I had put the box on my lap and was pushing his head back in when he stuck it out, he finally gave up, or so I thought, he was working on the bottom holes and suddenly jumped out of the box and onto my lap! I grabbed him and thats when he bit me on the finger and thumb, and I threw him into the centre console for the rest of the trip home. We were lucky I didn't crash the car lol.
Rohan started at his new kindy a few weeks ago, and he really seems to like this one alot more, and I have to say that I prefer the way they do things there, at the new one when I am leaving they encourage him to say good bye and then go and do something else (at the other one they would just hold him while he was bawling), now he doesn't cry when I leave. They also encourage him to go to the potty (at the old one whenever I put trainer pants in they would come home untouched), this week both times I picked him up he had been sitting on the potty. He seems alot happier, he says goodbye to everyone when we leave, and he already has some friends. Oh and I can't forget the two resident guinea pigs they have there. Poor things are allowed to be picked up by the kids hehehe, apparently Rohan loves them and spends alot of the day playing with them.
Oh and news on the A-Z album, ONLY 5 PAGES TO GO!!!! Once I have done them I will cover the album (its a Heidi Swapp album that I am going to cover with the left over peices of Scrapography paper. I have had a couple of problems with my website but once that is fixed you will be able to view the album on my site, all the pages are uploaded at
Scrapboxx though so you can view them there.