Monday, July 09, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
All settled in
We were having issues with the internet and were thinking that we might not be able to get ADSL here and that we would have to get Telstra cable, but this morning the ADSL was connected so Telstra are my heros of the week (normally I hate them LMAO) because they fixed it, we don't use them for the internet but they control the lines so they are the heros LMAO.
Now I have to go catch up on what has been happening in the world.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
I'm a bad blogger
we are having to move house due to the place we are in now going up for auction. Origionally we were looking to move to Melbourne, but there were some issues with that, so we had to start looking around here, we were very very lucky and got a place at Capalaba cheap, if we hadn't go that then we would be moving to places neither of us really want to live.
We get the keys next week, so we are busy packing, which means, no scrapping, no knitting, and not much net time. When we do move we will have 2 weeks of no ADSL eeek, how horrid is that going to be.
Anyway Merry Christmas, I know most people probably don't bother reading here anymore due to me never posting, but hopefully once our crazy life is sorted I will be able to be on more often...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
She's Back
If you wanted to hear a bit before buying there are some videos here but I really really recommend to anyone who likes the old style Jewel to go out and just buy the cd, you wont regret it...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I'm not quite dead yet
Friday, August 11, 2006
A new baby in the house
I got the phone call informing me of our new arrival while I was picking up the boys from school and kindy, our new baby had finally arrived. After over a week of waiting I am finally a parent again, to a beautiful baby mac mini....hahaha got you.
It is so much smaller then what I originally thought, and it weighs alot more then I thought too. I already got the monitor and speakers last week (unfortunatly they only had black and silver in the monitor we got, would have loved to have got the white and silver ones, but the speakers are white and silver and match the mini and my old eMac so well, you would have thought they were apple speakers or something lol).
Oh and news on the side, the "You Can Fly" layout won Zina's challenge, got a $5 gift voucher YAY!!!
**edit** ok here is my new set up, can you spot the computer?